





KD—Lounge is a public lecture series about design and its related disciplines. It aims to inspire, educate, and entertain by creating a platform to learn from first hand experiences. KD—Lounge is independently organized by students of communication design in Constance, Ger- many, since 2008 and grants an exclusive insight into the current design industry. In this semester we meta- phorically explore food and culinary arts with the topic CHAOS MENU–When Everything Comes Together. CHAOS MENU refers to a creative method that encourages experiment and exploration. Breaking away from conventio- nal ways of thinking, inherently different ingredients and techniques are bravely combined. By embracing disor- der and chance, the end result becomes more than just the sum of its parts. This season, once again we bring together different people and voices, so that we can learn from their backgrounds and stories, each contri- buting a very own flavour to the menu. Team: Hannah Bajer, Corinna Gratzl, Julia Klass, Linus Haug, Franzi Häußner Fotografie: Barbara Binner