Aline Kaußen
B4/5/6 Information Design
Aline Kaußen
B4/5/6 Information Design
Aline Kaußen
B4/5/6 Information Design
Anna Grellert
B4/5/6 Information Design
Anna Grellert
B4/5/6 Information Design
Anna Grellert
B4/5/6 Information Design
Anna Grellert
B4/5/6 Information Design
Hanna Schrader
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jan Pfeifer
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jennifer Traber
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jette Thelen
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jette Thelen
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jule Eck
B4/5/6 Information Design
Jule Eck
B4/5/6 Information Design
Julia Rebstock
B4/5/6 Information Design
Julia Rebstock
B4/5/6 Information Design
Julia Rebstock
B4/5/6 Information Design
Lea Kampmann
B4/5/6 Information Design
Lea Kampmann
B4/5/6 Information Design
Noël Nuber
B4/5/6 Information Design
Noël Nuber
B4/5/6 Information Design
Noël Nuber
B4/5/6 Information Design
Noël Nuber
B4/5/6 Information Design
Paula Weinzierl
B4/5/6 Information Design
Paula Weinzierl
B4/5/6 Information Design
Rosa Lobo de Macedo
B4/5/6 Information Design
Rosa Lobo de Macedo
B4/5/6 Information Design
Selina Bulut
B4/5/6 Information Design
Selina Bulut
B4/5/6 Information Design
Tuan Le Hong
B4/5/6 Information Design
Tuan Le Hong
B4/5/6 Information Design
Tuan Le Hong
B4/5/6 Information Design


Information Design

Medien & Publikationen


Information Design
Today’s world is very opaque. We are surrounded by things that we use everyday, and thousands of consumable images and information-snippets, but many of them we know next to nothing about. Where does ‘this’ come from, how and where was it made/grown/raised/refined? What’s up with ‘that’? What happened ‘there’ or ‘then’? The idea behind this course is threefold, first to bring a tiny bit of knowledge into the world (a noble purpose of graphic design), and second to learn about finding things out, and third to learn about information design.


Prof. Brian Switzer

ausgestellt im 2. OG in Raum L204

Herz B1 Analytische Bildgestaltung
Herz B4/5/6 Gleisbrücke Konstanz
Herz B3 Produktion 3
Herz Projekt MA3
Herz Giugno, Maire-Claire
Herz 03_Lukas Diel
Herz B2 Entwerfen 2
Herz B5 Design und Raum 1
Herz Portfolio Dialoge
Herz Precios Plastic
Herz Krause, Anne
Herz B2 Corporate Design Grundlagen
Herz B2 Timebased Design
Herz 03_Luis Klemt
Herz Dehm, Konstanze
Herz Illokonstanz
Herz Illokonstanz Workshop
Herz B4/5/6 Prompten
Herz Matthaei, Franziska
Herz B1 Gebäudelehre 1
Herz Schäuble, Leonie
Herz 12_Kim Joy Serden
Herz B1 Baukonstruktion 1
Herz B3 Komplexe Dokumente und Liquid Layouts
Herz 05_Ariana Gottstein
Herz Klingele, David
Herz B3 Entwerfen und Komplexität
Herz B1 Einführung in das Entwerfen
Herz M1/2 Design und Raum
Herz M1/2 Designforschung und -entwicklung
Herz Hau, Joshua
Herz Spengler, Lena Sophie
Herz Komplexe Illustration
Herz Be Aware
Herz Messmer, Sebastian
Herz B2 Digitale Applikationen